Stepping out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a pretty hard thing to do. We get so used to doing one thing or being at the same place that we feel reluctant to step out. We’re unwilling to do that which makes us feel uncomfortable.

What does it mean to step out of your comfort zone?

Stepping out of your comfort zone means doing things that you don’t feel comfortable doing. Getting outside of your comfort levels. Comfort zones are the easiest place to stay in.

It’s warm, safe and cozy. I guess a lot of people are scared. Scared to take that bold step, scared to accept that job offer, scared to say yes to someone, to say no, to try something new, to make an effort, to accept responsibilities… The list goes on.

As each day passed by, Susan could see her life slowly slipping and wasting away. She would try to get herself busy in order not to get caught up in her worries. She found movies, chatting, sleeping, and music as distractions. They all helped distract her from her endless worries. But after all that, she always returned to her state of moodiness and anxiety.

She had everything that could make her great in life at her disposal. You see, that’s what some people go through; they have everything – all the tools, weapons, ingredients and elements they need to make their life more interesting and fulfilling but they’re just too scared to do anything. For Susan, it felt as if she was trapped.

But you see the thing about been trapped is that you have to find a way to get out. If you don’t, you’ll forever remain there. Unless you’re waiting for someone to come rescue. If you’re trapped, you’ve got to make a choice as to what to do – scream for help, try digging your way out, look around for objects you could use to aid your rescue, pray…..or just remain silent.

Susan knew exactly what she had to do. She knew exactly what tool she needed to help her but she was too afraid to make any attempt. It’s like being locked up in a room. You have the key which gives you the power to free yourself but you’re too scared thinking about what’s waiting for you outside that the thought of freeing yourself eludes you. You’ll rather stay safe and locked up than be out and free.

But how can you know what’s behind the door if you don’t step out? How sure are you that there’s something or someone lurking behind when you haven’t opened it? You get busy making assumptions that you lose sight of what’s important – getting out. Growing. Challenging yourself.

See, the more you think there’s something lurking waiting to pounce on you, the more scared you become. Filling your mind with thoughts like that will only delay your freedom. But when you take that bold step of coming out, all other things become secondary.

It’s a choice you should make. I mean, I can stand there all day contemplating about whether or not there’s indeed something waiting outside, or I can just turn the door knob and step out boldly. What is likely to happen when you open the door? You might truly find someone waiting to pounce on you; you might be wrong after all or better still you’ll be so mad at yourself for not coming out on time because the view is just too beautiful. But you know what? you’ll never know for sure until you step out!

Stepping out of your comfort zone may be scary but it’s the best decision you’ll make.

I’m on a journey of living outside my comfort zone. I must confess, it’s not easy. Some days I find myself going back to what always felt comfortable and easy. But I remind myself that growth requires discomfort.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

If you’re struggling to step out, here are a few tips to try:

  • Figure out what area of your life needs a push – career, social, financial
  • Take baby steps
  • Stop making excuses
  • Try something new until you feel comfortable
  • Do small activities to challenge yourself
  • Stay positive
  • Become familiar with discomfort

Breaking out of your comfort zone gives you more opportunity in life. Don’t let anxiety prevent you from doing what you truly want. Confront your fears and push the boundaries of what makes feel comfortable.

Are you finding it hard to step out of your comfort zone? I’ll like to hear from you. How did you get out of your comfort zone?

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