3 Surprising Ways Society Is Killing You

“Modern society has probably produced the highest rates of suicide, depression, anxiety, loneliness and child abuse ever in human history,” – Sebastian Junger, Award-Winning Journalist, Author, Filmmaker

Look around you. If you really pay close attention, you’ll notice the fight to stay on top; to be the most beautiful/handsome; the smartest or the most liked. The list is endless.

Everyone is in a competition; it’s a rat race out there. Not that it’s a bad thing but have you sat down to think what all these unhealthy competitions are doing to us? How much harm it’s causing to the individual?


It’s damaging our self-esteem, making us see each other as rivals, promoting unhealthy competition instead of collaboration. And to crown it all, it’s encouraging suicide.

If it’s not University students, it’s workers or ministers. Everyone seems to be sinking into a state of depression.

Here are 3 ways society is killing you:

  • Social media

Thanks to the digital world we live in, everyone seems glued to their mobile devices. From Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat; social media is taking over the world. While there’s a lot of good, there’s also the bad side. 


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People have idolised social media; it’s the one place we go to seek solace and at the same time to compare our lives to that of friends and colleagues.

It’s killing us all. The need for our posts and pictures to be liked; to have the highest number of following and to be verified slowly pushes us into a state of depression and ultimately suicide.


  • Jobs

A lot of people spend an ample amount of time stuck with a job they don’t like simply because they have to pay bills and make ends meet. It’s sad and depressing. At the end of the day, you build someone else’s dream and not yours. Rather than get stuck in a job you detest, follow your dreams and build on it.


  • Family and friends

Family and friends can be your biggest support system. But in cases, where all they do is whine and throw shades at you, you might be headed to your early grave. The family is supposed to be a hedge and covering; supporting you and pushing you to become the best (even if that means a little criticism here and there).



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